Monday, January 31, 2011

7th Grade: Contour Line Drawing of Animals

Day 1: What is a contour? What is a line? What is negative space? Provide students time to find an animal to draw from various sources (books, magazines, how to draw books). Demonstrate how to break down images into simple shapes. Rough drafts are completed in sketchbooks

Day 2-4: Animals will be drawn on 16x20 white paper. What is pattern? Provide examples of pattern. Students will use to pattern to fill in the negative space.

Contour Line
Negative space

animal imagery
Sharpie Markers
16 x 20 60lb drawing paper

8th Grade: Picasso Profiles

Day 1: Introduce abstract and demonstrate how to draw a profile on the board. Students will use sketchbooks for rough drafts. Continue to complete second half of face. Encourage students to use a different eyes, mouths, etc. for the second half of the face. Provide visual examples of facial features (eyes, mouth, eye brows, etc). I have several books and xerox packets of eyes, mouths, and noses. Some students make a "good" side and a "bad" side, which includes piercings, fangs, etc. A student who is a huge fan of batman made Two-Face (see image below).

Day 2: Discuss and show examples of Pablo Picasso. Show Youtube video 

Demonstrate on board how to create pattern for the background (see pictures below). This was the first time I used this pattern in the background- therefore, I didn't realize until after the kids finished the entire sheet with this time consuming design that it should have been completed on the same piece of paper as the profile.

Day 3/4: What is a color scheme? Show examples of color scheme (warm, cool, monochromatic, etc). Students will utilize at least 4 color schemes to complete their backgrounds, dividing the background into 4 sections (squares/stripes, etc).

Color Scheme

12x18 paper (pattern in background takes a long time to color)
Books/ other visuals of facial features